Working Together

While I tailor my approach to each client’s unique needs, certain aspects of working together will always be true. Your awareness of the process will streamline our working relationship. Here are common questions, and answers:

Are you willing to meet with me?

Yes. I’d love to meet with you. I work from home so consult with clients in public settings. I will give you up to one hour of free consultation, provided you come “ready” (please explore this website, as I will need to know specifically which of my services you’re interested in. also be prepared to share your organization’s Internal Revenue Service tax exemption status – for instance, are you a 501(c)(3), for-profit entity, or something else? – this determination will drive the type of assistance I am able to provide). However, I’m NOT a small business development expert, so if you have not yet filed legal papers to form your organization, please find a more appropriate professional to assist you!

How do we get started?

By signing a contract. Beyond the initial consultation, I will not begin working with you until we execute a contract. This happens very quickly, provided you tell me: (1) legal name and address of your organization, (2) organization’s signing authority’s name and title, (3) what you are hiring me for (see “Services” tab to understand how projects are categorized), (4) duration for which you are hiring me, and (5) starting date that you would like to begin.

Do you work off a percentage of the grant?

Absolutely not. All Grant Professional Certified consultants adhere to the Grant Professionals Association Code of Ethics, which has the following compensation stipulations: (a) Members shall work for a salary or fee. (b) Compensation should not be written into grants unless allowed by the funder.

Are you worth your hourly rate?

Definitely. Learn more about what being credentialed by the Grant Professionals Certification Institute entails, particularly the competencies and skills one must be proficient in. Other facets of my qualifications and track record are under the “Experience” tab of this website. My rate is on the low end for credentialed grant professionals; you will more than get a return on investment from me!

Can you wave a wand to make funds appear?

I wish! Though I would love to have this power, thus far it has not manifested. You or a single, dedicated staff member will work me, from the very start. We will be in close contact as we delve into your project(s), to ensure that all documents and plans accurately reflect your organization and its needs, that we work most efficiently (saving us both time, and you money!), and that you’re able to compete for, and win, grant awards in optimal ways.